Alexander Verbeek

I like creating. I love gaming. Creating games is my passion.

The birth of a game developer's blog

December 20, 2011

Lo and behold. Welcome to my new blog about game development musings, research, snippets and other stuff. Here’s your achievement for reading the first post!

Achievement get! Read first post!

With that out-of-the-way, now for the important part of this post.

Why create this blog?

Recently, during my Game Design course, we got the assignment of doing a small research project on a subject related to game development or the games industry. For my own research subject I decided to investigate a recent and very specific trend in the game industry, which I will describe in my next post.

One of my tasks was determining how I intend to do my manifest. How should I present the results of my research to the outside world? The obvious choice for research results is usually a scientific paper. But that’s boring. Me and my classmates were encouraged to use alternative forms of media appropriate to our research subject. Finally I settled on a weblog for two reasons.

  1. I know my target audience will be mostly game developers, and to a lesser extend, gamers themselves. Developers will be interested because it might influence how they think about the game industry and how they make games. Some gamers might be interested because the trend I'm investigating is likely to have an effect on their gaming. A blog is very accessible to both groups and might encourage discussion in the comments on each post.
  2. For a few years I have been gathering experience in game design and development and occasionally, I felt the need to share my findings with others. At the same time I was reluctant to create a blog for fear of losing interest and neglecting it after a while. Maybe this will provide a kickstart to get me going and keep me blogging even after this project.

In summary:

I will use this blog to share the findings of my research project as it progresses and later on, I will use it to share other stuff related to game development. Stay tuned, and don’t hesitate to comment on my ramblings!